Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Greek Goddess of Men's Facial Hair Website

It's been a long time coming and the big day is finally here. The new Greek Goddess of Men's Facial Hair website is finally up and running!

The website works in conjunction with this blog, providing additional information, resources and fun for men's facial hair lovers.

On the site you will find links, freebies, fun stuff and a store with a section selling men's grooming tools and products. A section with Greek Goddess of Men's Facial Hair merchandise is coming soon. It should be noted that 20% of the Greek Goddess's proceeds from store sales go to charity (Locks of Love and Movember/Prostate Cancer Awareness).

Have a question for the Goddess? There is a contact form on the website for just such a thing.

I hope you enjoy the additional fun and resources. Thank you for all of your support over the years. I look forward to continuing to find new, fun, flirty ways to celebrate the sexiness of men's facial hair with you.

~Dani (a.k.a. the Greek Goddess of Men's Facial Hair)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Worst Celebrity Moustaches or Underrated Visions of Beauty?

Over in's Entertainment section there is a piece about the Top 5 Worst Celebrity Moustaches. Some of these would be seen as winners in moustache growing contests.

This begs the question: are these really the 'worst' moustaches or are they simply underrated visions of beauty? What do you think?

While we are on the topic, what do you consider to be a "best" and a "worst" moustache?

For me, while I love all moustaches in general, I think part of it depends on the style matching the face and personality of the man, how full it is and how well-groomed it is.

I am not a big fan of the "caterpillar" growing above a man's upper lip, nor am I a big fan of a "bristle brush" growing there that hides his lips from view. How can you lip lock him if you can't see where to aim? ;-)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 4th Annual Adirondack Donegal Beard Contest

Get your razors out, (*sniff sniff*) because it's that time again, Gents! That's right: it's time to get clean shaven for New Years Day so you can enter the 4th Annual Adirondack Donegal Beard Contest.

From New Year's Day (January 1) to St. Patrick's Day (March 17), all contestants will grow a Donegal beard, starting from a completely clean shaven face. The Donegal beard is also known as a chin strap or Lincoln. There is no mustache or soul patch: just a beard.

Judges will be assessing and awarding prizes for winners in the following categories: manliness (grrr, baby), length, fullness, and style & sophistication.

The contest will be held at Bail and Wicks (used to be Casey's North) on March 17th from 4 to 7 p.m, with judging beginning at 6 p.m. In addition to the contest, there will be live entertainment.

Basil and Wicks is located on Route 28 in North Creek, New York.

More information about the contest can be found on Facebook, at the official contest page.

Copyright © 2007 - 2012 Daniella Nicole. All rights reserved.