This blog works in conjunction with the Dani Greek Goddess of Men's Facial Hair™ website and is dedicated to the sexiness of men's facial hair.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Worst Celebrity Moustaches or Underrated Visions of Beauty?
Over in's Entertainment section there is a piece about the Top 5 Worst Celebrity Moustaches. Some of these would be seen as winners in moustache growing contests.
This begs the question: are these really the 'worst' moustaches or are they simply underrated visions of beauty? What do you think?
While we are on the topic, what do you consider to be a "best" and a "worst" moustache?
For me, while I love all moustaches in general, I think part of it depends on the style matching the face and personality of the man, how full it is and how well-groomed it is.
I am not a big fan of the "caterpillar" growing above a man's upper lip, nor am I a big fan of a "bristle brush" growing there that hides his lips from view. How can you lip lock him if you can't see where to aim? ;-)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The 4th Annual Adirondack Donegal Beard Contest
Get your razors out, (*sniff sniff*) because it's that time again, Gents! That's right: it's time to get clean shaven for New Years Day so you can enter the 4th Annual Adirondack Donegal Beard Contest.
From New Year's Day (January 1) to St. Patrick's Day (March 17), all contestants will grow a Donegal beard, starting from a completely clean shaven face. The Donegal beard is also known as a chin strap or Lincoln. There is no mustache or soul patch: just a beard.
Judges will be assessing and awarding prizes for winners in the following categories: manliness (grrr, baby), length, fullness, and style & sophistication.
The contest will be held at Bail and Wicks (used to be Casey's North) on March 17th from 4 to 7 p.m, with judging beginning at 6 p.m. In addition to the contest, there will be live entertainment.
Basil and Wicks is located on Route 28 in North Creek, New York.
More information about the contest can be found on Facebook, at the official contest page.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Trim that Wild and Unruly Full Beard
Though no tips are shared in how best to do this, you can see from what she does that even only clipping off a small amount can make a huge difference in your appearance. You can have a lush, long, full beard and still look nicely groomed.
Let's face it, if you want to get those who are not fans of your facial hair on your side, its a lot easier when you keep your facial hair well-groomed. Even I, the Goddess of Men's Facial Hair who loves facial hair on men, prefer it be kept clean and trimmed nicely. (Click here for tips on how to make it extra soft and silky, too!)
Have any tips for keeping facial hair nicely groomed? Feel free to share them in the comments section.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Hobbit Movie: Men's Facial Hair Bonanza!
What am I looking forward to most about The Hobbit? Men's Facial Hair Bonanza, baby!
At a press conference about the movie, multiple male cast members had already begun growing their own lovely facial hair. The lineup (albeit limited) on display of hairy male faces was absolute heaven. All bias aside, every one of them looked perfectly delicious with their facial hair growth.
As for the movie itself, stills and trailers have shown a fabulous array of facial hair, sure to thrill and delight the most discerning men's facial hair lover.
Ahh, what I wouldn't have given to have been on set, if only for a few moments, surrounded by all of that luscious facial hair! Ya know I would've resorted to bribery with my delicious (and quite addictive) homemade dark chocolate brownies in exchange for some face rubbins. mmmmmmmm. It would have been a win-win for all involved. :-)
Unfortunately, the first installment of The Hobbit is almost a year away, with the second installment to follow an entire year after that. Talk about prolonged foreplay. Sheesh.
Sadly, I am sure the bearded cast members, now home again, have shaven off all their lovely facial hair. *pouty lips* Pity.
Some of the cast members, such as the UK's own Richard Armitage, seem to routinely sport some type of facial hair in real life and in various roles, so there is that consolation prize for those of us who just can't get enough.
You can find more about The Hobbit at the following links:
The Hobbit Movie News
The Hobbit Movie Blog
The Hobbit Movie Publicity Stills
*CORRECTION: The cast members went home only for a Christmas break and the filming has once again resumed. It is scheduled to continue on through July 2012, so facial hair lovers rejoice! We have many more months ahead of that luscious facial hair to dream about!
Do you know of a movie that features a lot of men's facial hair? Share your recommendations and reviews in the comments section.
Image Credit: link to The Hobbit movie publicity still at IGN.[1]_1311289054.html?page=mediaFull
Friday, August 12, 2011
Whisker Wars Reality Show and Beard Team USA

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Beards in Sports: Creating Samson-like Power?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Poll: Do You Find Mustaches Sexy?

Monday, March 28, 2011
Mustache Contest for Blount County Cops

Friday, March 25, 2011
Goatee Win for Colorado Police Facial Hair Win for All?

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Second Annual $5000 Beard Team USA National Beard and Moustache Championships Announced
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
LA Area: Mustache Making You Sick? Be on The Doctors

For more information and to apply, click here.
If you are chosen to participate, be sure to let us know!
Monday, March 21, 2011
World Beard and Moustache Championships; Beard Team USA Group Trip to Norway

The 2011 World Beard and Moustache Championships will be held in Trondhjem (also known as
Interested parties can join in on the fun with the Beard Team
Please note that the head of the site told me that more people can come along with his group, however, the cabins are now full on the boat from
He also sent me the itinerary for the trip, which includes departures from both Seattle and New York, with Beard Team Canada meeting up with the group after flying in from Toronto; a short stay in Iceland and walking tour (and time for other activities); travel to Norway and walking tour (with time for other activities); cruise or other travel to Trondhjem; The Norwegian Moustache Club welcome to group (and friends); registration for Championships; The 2011 World Beard and Moustache Championships; trips around Trondhjem; parade and celebrations for Norway’s national holiday (similar to USA Independence Day); travel home.
Please note that to travel with his group on the trip, payment in full must be made by April 1, 2011. All the information needed for that is in his post, plus there is a contact link on his site if you have additional questions. Otherwise, you can make your own arrangements and meet up with them as you wish along the way. Registrants will be given an itinerary for the trip and some very helpful advice regarding money, what to take, what to do in preparation for the trip, etc.
Big thanks to Phil for such a quick and helpful response to my inquiry. Be sure to stop by the World Beard Championships website for lots of great photos and information about this fun annual event and other great stuff. GO BEARD TEAM
Image Credit: US Marine Corps/US Government. Public Domain. Wikimedia Commons.,_Norway_panorama.jpg
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Beardyman: Music and Facial Hair Collide, Beautifully
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Big Changes Coming Soon!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
United States Presidents and Facial Hair

President Obama has publicly stated that he can’t grow facial hair. Many of his predecessors were clean-shaven, as well.
It has been almost 100 years since the office of President has been held by a man with facial hair. Of the 44 different presidents we have had, according to images of them only 12 have had some type of facial hair while in office. They are:
#6 John Quincy Adams (side burns) 1825-1829
#8 Martin Van Buren (side burns) 1837-1841
#12 Zachary Taylor (side burns) 1849-1850
#16 Abraham Lincoln (beard) 1861-1865
#18 Ulysses S. Grant (beard, mustache) 1869-1877
#20 James A.
#22; #24 Grover Cleveland (mustache) 1885-1889; 1893-1897
#23 Benjamin Harrison (beard, mustache) 1889-1893
#26 Theodore Roosevelt (mustache) 1901-1913
#27 William Taft (mustache) 1909-1913
Of the twelve presidents with facial hair, ten were Republican (Adams, Taylor, Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, Roosevelt and Taft) and two were Democrat (Van Buren and Cleveland). Two, Adams and Taylor, are listed under party names some may not be familiar with. John Quincy Adams and Zachary Taylor were members of the party known under various names such as Federalist, Democratic-Republican, or Whig party. This would be the Republican party of today.
Of the candidates currently tossed about as possible nominees in 2012, none have facial hair of any type. This is a shame. There is something to be said for a man with facial hair.
US Presidents (images). Wikimedia Commons.
Republican Presidents of the
American President: An Online Reference Resource. John Quincy
American President: An Online Reference Resource. Zachary Taylor.
Image Credit: George Bush Presidential Library/US Government. Public Domain. Wikimedia Commons.